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Problem Set #3 mcmillan / Version 14

Comp 555: BioAlgorithms -- Spring 2015

Problem Set #3

Issued: 4/10/2015      Due: In class 4/20/2015


Homework Information: Some of the problems are probably too long to attempt the night before the due date, so plan accordingly. No late homework will accepted. However, your lowest homework will be dropped. Feel free to work with others, but the work you hand in should be your own.

String Searching

Below I provide python code for implementing both Suffix Trees and Suffix Arrays:

import string import array import sys # The following classes are used to construct # and represent Suffix trees class Edge: count = 0 def __init__(self, dstNode, first, last): self.dstNode = dstNode self.first = first self.last = last Edge.count += 1 def split(self, suffix, suffixTree): # add new explicit node newIndex = len(suffixTree.nodes) suffixTree.nodes.append(0) # add new suffix edge newFirst = self.first + len(suffix) suffixTree.edgeLookup[newIndex, suffixTree.string[newFirst]] = Edge(self.dstNode, newFirst, self.last) # shorten this edge self.last = newFirst - 1 self.dstNode = newIndex return newIndex def isLeafEdge(self, suffixTree): return (self.last == suffixTree.lastIndex) def __len__(self): return self.last - self.first + 1 def __repr__(self): return "Edge(%d, %d, %d)" % (self.dstNode, self.first, self.last) class Suffix: def __init__(self, srcNode, first, last): self.srcNode = srcNode self.first = first self.last = last def is_explicit(self): return self.first > self.last def is_implicit(self): return self.first <= self.last def canonicalize(self, suffixTree): if self.is_implicit(): edge = suffixTree.edgeLookup[self.srcNode, suffixTree.string[self.first]] if (len(edge) <= len(self)): self.first += len(edge) self.srcNode = edge.dstNode self.canonicalize(suffixTree) def __len__(self): return self.last - self.first + 1 def __repr__(self): return "Suffix(%d, %d, %d)" % (self.srcNode, self.first, self.last) class SuffixTree: def __init__(self, string): self.string = string # save a pointer to the string self.alphabet = set() # alphabet of string self.nodes = array.array('l') # index of ith node's parent self.nodes.append(0) # add root node self.edgeLookup = {} # adjacency list indexed by (srcNode, char) self.lastIndex = len(string) - 1 activePoint = Suffix(0, 0, -1) for i in xrange(len(string)): self.alphabet.add(string[i]) self.addPrefix(i, activePoint) def addPrefix(self, last, activePoint): LastParentNode = -1 while True: ParentNode = activePoint.srcNode if activePoint.is_explicit(): if (activePoint.srcNode, self.string[last]) in self.edgeLookup: break else: #potentially split an implicit node edge = self.edgeLookup[activePoint.srcNode, self.string[activePoint.first]] if (self.string[edge.first + len(activePoint)] == self.string[last]): break else: ParentNode = edge.split(activePoint, self) self.nodes.append(-1) self.edgeLookup[ParentNode, self.string[last]] = Edge(len(self.nodes)-1, last, self.lastIndex) # add suffix link if (LastParentNode > 0): self.nodes[LastParentNode] = ParentNode LastParentNode = ParentNode if (activePoint.srcNode == 0): activePoint.first += 1 else: activePoint.srcNode = self.nodes[activePoint.srcNode] activePoint.canonicalize(self) if (LastParentNode > 0): self.nodes[LastParentNode] = ParentNode activePoint.last += 1 activePoint.canonicalize(self) def leafIndices(self, nodeIndex=0, lenSoFar=0): indexList = [] if (self.nodes[nodeIndex] < 0): indexList.append(self.lastIndex + 1 - lenSoFar) else: for char in self.alphabet: try: edge = self.edgeLookup[nodeIndex, char] if edge.isLeafEdge(self): indexList.append(self.lastIndex + 1 - len(edge) - lenSoFar) else: indexList += self.leafIndices(edge.dstNode, lenSoFar + len(edge)) except KeyError: continue return indexList def distinct(self, nodeIndex=0, lenSoFar=0): distinctList = [] # examine children of node for char in self.alphabet: try: edge = self.edgeLookup[nodeIndex, char] if edge.isLeafEdge(self): distinctList.append((edge.first-lenSoFar, lenSoFar+1)) else: distinctList += self.distinct(edge.dstNode, lenSoFar + len(edge)) except: continue return distinctList def thread(self, target): nodeIndex = 0 # start from root i = 0 # characters threaded so far while (i < len(target)): try: edge = self.edgeLookup[nodeIndex, target[i]] prefix = self.string[edge.first:edge.last+1] if (target[i:].startswith(prefix) or prefix.startswith(target[i:])): i += len(prefix) else: return [] nodeIndex = edge.dstNode except KeyError: return [] return self.leafIndices(nodeIndex, i) def printTree(self, nodeIndex=0, prefixLength=0, prefix=""): branches = list() for c in self.alphabet: try: edge = self.edgeLookup[nodeIndex, c] extent = prefix + "(%d)-%s-" % (nodeIndex, self.string[edge.first:edge.last+1]) subtree = self.printTree(edge.dstNode, prefixLength+len(edge), extent) if (len(subtree) > 0): branches.append(subtree) elif (edge.isLeafEdge(self)): print extent + "(%d)[%d]" % (edge.dstNode, edge.first-prefixLength) except KeyError: pass return branches
In [3]:
test = "imissmissmississippiskiss$" suffixTree = SuffixTree(test) print len(suffixTree.nodes) suffixTree.printTree()
41 (0)-$-(40)[25] (0)-i-(3)-missmissmississippiskiss$-(1)[0] (0)-i-(3)-ppiskiss$-(29)[16] (0)-i-(3)-s-(33)-kiss$-(34)[19] (0)-i-(3)-s-(33)-s-(18)-$-(37)[22] (0)-i-(3)-s-(33)-s-(18)-i-(23)-ppiskiss$-(24)[13] (0)-i-(3)-s-(33)-s-(18)-i-(23)-ssippiskiss$-(19)[10] (0)-i-(3)-s-(33)-s-(18)-miss-(10)-issippiskiss$-(11)[6] (0)-i-(3)-s-(33)-s-(18)-miss-(10)-mississippiskiss$-(4)[2] (0)-kiss$-(36)[21] (0)-miss-(16)-issippiskiss$-(17)[9] (0)-miss-(16)-miss-(8)-issippiskiss$-(9)[5] (0)-miss-(16)-miss-(8)-mississippiskiss$-(2)[1] (0)-p-(31)-iskiss$-(32)[18] (0)-p-(31)-piskiss$-(30)[17] (0)-s-(6)-$-(39)[24] (0)-s-(6)-i-(27)-ppiskiss$-(28)[15] (0)-s-(6)-i-(27)-ssippiskiss$-(22)[12] (0)-s-(6)-kiss$-(35)[20] (0)-s-(6)-miss-(14)-issippiskiss$-(15)[8] (0)-s-(6)-miss-(14)-mississippiskiss$-(7)[4] (0)-s-(6)-s-(20)-$-(38)[23] (0)-s-(6)-s-(20)-i-(25)-ppiskiss$-(26)[14] (0)-s-(6)-s-(20)-i-(25)-ssippiskiss$-(21)[11] (0)-s-(6)-s-(20)-miss-(12)-issippiskiss$-(13)[7] (0)-s-(6)-s-(20)-miss-(12)-mississippiskiss$-(5)[3]
In [4]:
print suffixTree.thread("iss")
[22, 13, 10, 6, 2]
In [5]:
# a one-line function to compute a Suffix array def argsort(text): return sorted(range(len(text)), cmp=lambda i,j: -1 if text[i:] < text[j:] else 1) def findFirst(pattern, text, sfa): """ Finds the index of the first occurence of pattern in the suffix array """ hi = len(text) lo = 0 while (lo < hi): mid = (lo+hi)//2 if (pattern > text[sfa[mid]:]): lo = mid + 1 else: hi = mid return lo def findLast(pattern, text, sfa): """ Finds the index of the last occurence of pattern in the suffix array """ hi = len(text) lo = 0 m = len(pattern) while (lo < hi): mid = (lo+hi)//2 i = sfa[mid] if (pattern >= text[i:i+m]): lo = mid + 1 else: hi = mid return lo
In [5]:
sufArray = argsort(test) print sufArray
[25, 0, 16, 19, 22, 13, 10, 6, 2, 21, 9, 5, 1, 18, 17, 24, 15, 12, 20, 8, 4, 23, 14, 11, 7, 3]
In [6]:
lo = findFirst("iss", test, sufArray) hi = findLast("iss", test, sufArray) print sufArray[lo:hi]
[22, 13, 10, 6, 2]

Problem #1:

Build suffix trees for substrings of Human Chromosome 1 starting from the first non-'N' nucleotide and of lengths 100, 1000, 10,000, 100,000, etc. until either the construction time for the suffix tree exceeds 100 secs, the length of 100,000,000 is reached, or the program crashes. For each such substring report the time required to build the suffix tree and the time to find all "CAT" substrings in the given substring. Also report the number of "CAT"s. (Note: It is likely that you will have to increase Python's recursion limit for larger strings).

Problem #2:

Build suffixarrays for substrings of Human Chromosome 1 starting from the first non-'N' nucleotide and of lengths 100, 1000, 10,000, 100,000, etc. until either the construction time for the suffix array exceeds 100 secs or the length of 100,000,000 is reached. For each such substring report the time required to build the suffix array and the time to find all "CAT" substrings in the given substring. Also report the number of "CAT"s.

Problem #3:

Write a program to extract the suffix array from the suffix tree. Time the combination of suffix tree construction and suffix array extraction for various sizes of text strings. Use a plot to estimate the length of a text where first constructing a suffix tree will be faster than the given algorithm of suffix array construction.

Submit your solutions, in the form of an iPython Notebook, here.

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