The Realities of Genome Assembly

  • Problem Set #2 is posted


From Last Time

What we learned from a related "Minimal Superstring" problem

  • Can be constructed by finding a Hamiltonian path of an n-dimensional De Bruijn graph over k symbols
    • Brute-force method is explores all $V!$ paths through $V$ vertices
    • Branch-and-Bound method considers only paths composed of edges
    • Finding a Hamiltonian path is an NP-complete problem
      • There is no known method that can solve it efficiently as the number of vertices grows
  • Can be constructed by finding a Eulerian path of a (n−1)-dimensional De Bruijn graph.
    • Euler's method finds a path using all edges in $O(E) \equiv O(V^2)$ steps
    • Graph must statisfy contraints to be sure that a solution exists
      • All but two vertices must be balanced
      • The other two must be semi-balanced


Applications to Assembling Genomes

  • Extracted DNA is broken into random small fragments
  • 100-200 bases are read from one or both ends of the fragment
  • Typically, each base of the genome is covered by 10x - 30x fragments


Genome Assembly vs Minimal Superstring

  • Mininmal substring problem
    • Every k-mer are known and used as a vertex, (all $\sigma^k$)
    • Paths, and there may be multiple, are solutions
  • Read fragments
    • No guarentee that we will see every k-mer
    • Can't disambiguate repeats


A Small Example

            GACGGCGGCGCACGGCGCAA    - Our toy sequence from 2 lectures ago
            GACGG   CGCAC  
             ACGGC   GCACG 
              CGGCG   CACGG         - The complete set of 16 5-mers
               GGCGG   ACGGC
                GCGGC   CGGCG  
                 CGGCG   GGCGC
                  GGCGC   GCGCA
                   GGCGA   CGCAA
  • All k-mers is equivalent to kx coverage
  • Four repeated k-mers {ACGGC, CGGCG, GCGCA, GGCGC}


Some Code

  • First let's add a function to uniquely label repeated k-mers
In [25]:
def kmersUnique(seq, k):
    kmers = sorted([seq[i:i+k] for i in xrange(len(seq)-k+1)])
    for i in xrange(1,len(kmers)):
        if (kmers[i] == kmers[i-1][0:k]):
            t = kmers[i-1].find('_')
            if (t >= 0):
                n = int(kmers[i-1][t+1:]) + 1
                kmers[i] = kmers[i] + "_" + str(n)
                kmers[i-1] = kmers[i-1] + "_1"
                kmers[i] = kmers[i] + "_2"
    return kmers

kmers = kmersUnique("GACGGCGGCGCACGGCGCAA", 5)
print kmers
['ACGGC_1', 'ACGGC_2', 'CACGG', 'CGCAA', 'CGCAC', 'CGGCG_1', 'CGGCG_2', 'CGGCG_3', 'GACGG', 'GCACG', 'GCGCA_1', 'GCGCA_2', 'GCGGC', 'GGCGC_1', 'GGCGC_2', 'GGCGG']
  • Our Graph Class from last lecture
In [27]:
import itertools

class Graph:
    def __init__(self, vlist=[]):
        """ Initialize a Graph with an optional vertex list """
        self.index = {v:i for i,v in enumerate(vlist)}
        self.vertex = {i:v for i,v in enumerate(vlist)}
        self.edge = []
        self.edgelabel = []
    def addVertex(self, label):
        """ Add a labeled vertex to the graph """
        index = len(self.index)
        self.index[label] = index
        self.vertex[index] = label
    def addEdge(self, vsrc, vdst, label='', repeats=True):
        """ Add a directed edge to the graph, with an optional label. 
        Repeated edges are distinct, unless repeats is set to False. """
        e = (self.index[vsrc], self.index[vdst])
        if (repeats) or (e not in self.edge):
    def hamiltonianPath(self):
        """ A Brute-force method for finding a Hamiltonian Path. 
        Basically, all possible N! paths are enumerated and checked
        for edges. Since edges can be reused there are no distictions
        made for *which* version of a repeated edge. """
        for path in itertools.permutations(sorted(self.index.values())):
            for i in xrange(len(path)-1):
                if ((path[i],path[i+1]) not in self.edge):
                return [self.vertex[i] for i in path]
        return []
    def SearchTree(self, path, verticesLeft):
        """ A recursive Branch-and-Bound Hamiltonian Path search. 
        Paths are extended one node at a time using only available
        edges from the graph. """
        if (len(verticesLeft) == 0):
            self.PathV2result = [self.vertex[i] for i in path]
            return True
        for v in verticesLeft:
            if (len(path) == 0) or ((path[-1],v) in self.edge):
                if self.SearchTree(path+[v], [r for r in verticesLeft if r != v]):
                    return True
        return False
    def hamiltonianPathV2(self):
        """ A wrapper function for invoking the Branch-and-Bound 
        Hamiltonian Path search. """
        self.PathV2result = []
        return self.PathV2result
    def degrees(self):
        """ Returns two dictionaries with the inDegree and outDegree
        of each node from the graph. """
        inDegree = {}
        outDegree = {}
        for src, dst in self.edge:
            outDegree[src] = outDegree.get(src, 0) + 1
            inDegree[dst] = inDegree.get(dst, 0) + 1
        return inDegree, outDegree
    def verifyAndGetStart(self):
        inDegree, outDegree = self.degrees()
        start = 0
        end = 0
        for vert in self.vertex.iterkeys():
            ins = inDegree.get(vert,0)
            outs = outDegree.get(vert,0)
            if (ins == outs):
            elif (ins - outs == 1):
                end = vert
            elif (outs - ins == 1):
                start = vert
                start, end = -1, -1
        if (start >= 0) and (end >= 0):
            return start
            return -1
    def eulerianPath(self):
        graph = [(src,dst) for src,dst in self.edge]
        currentVertex = self.verifyAndGetStart()
        path = [currentVertex]
        # "next" is where vertices get inserted into our tour
        # it starts at the end (i.e. it is the same as appending),
        # but later "side-trips" will insert in the middle
        next = 1
        while len(graph) > 0:
            for edge in graph:
                if (edge[0] == currentVertex):
                    currentVertex = edge[1]
                    path.insert(next, currentVertex)
                    next += 1
                for edge in graph:
                        next = path.index(edge[0]) + 1
                        currentVertex = edge[0]
                    except ValueError:
                    print "There is no path!"
                    return False
        return path
    def eulerEdges(self, path):
        edgeId = {}
        for i in xrange(len(self.edge)):
            edgeId[self.edge[i]] = edgeId.get(self.edge[i], []) + [i]
        edgeList = []
        for i in xrange(len(path)-1):
        return edgeList
    def render(self, highlightPath=[]):
        """ Outputs a version of the graph that can be rendered
        using graphviz tools ("""
        edgeId = {}
        for i in xrange(len(self.edge)):
            edgeId[self.edge[i]] = edgeId.get(self.edge[i], []) + [i]
        edgeSet = set()
        for i in xrange(len(highlightPath)-1):
            src = self.index[highlightPath[i]]
            dst = self.index[highlightPath[i+1]]
        result = ''
        result += 'digraph {\n'
        result += '   graph [nodesep=2, size="10,10"];\n'
        for index, label in self.vertex.iteritems():
            result += '    N%d [shape="box", style="rounded", label="%s"];\n' % (index, label)
        for i, e in enumerate(self.edge):
            src, dst = e
            result += '    N%d -> N%d' % (src, dst)
            label = self.edgelabel[i]
            if (len(label) > 0):
                if (i in edgeSet):
                    result += ' [label="%s", penwidth=3.0]' % (label)
                    result += ' [label="%s"]' % (label)
            elif (i in edgeSet):
                result += ' [penwidth=3.0]'                
            result += ';\n'                
        result += '    overlap=false;\n'
        result += '}\n'
        return result


Finding Paths in our K-mer De Bruijn Graphs

In [28]:
k = 5
kmers = kmersUnique(target, k)
G1 = Graph(kmers)
for vsrc in kmers:
    for vdst in kmers:
        if (vsrc[1:k] == vdst[0:k-1]):
path = G1.hamiltonianPathV2()

print path
seq = path[0][0:k]
for kmer in path[1:]:
    seq += kmer[k-1]
print seq
print seq == target
['GACGG', 'ACGGC_1', 'CGGCG_1', 'GGCGC_1', 'GCGCA_1', 'CGCAC', 'GCACG', 'CACGG', 'ACGGC_2', 'CGGCG_2', 'GGCGG', 'GCGGC', 'CGGCG_3', 'GGCGC_2', 'GCGCA_2', 'CGCAA']


Not what we Expected

Sequence we started with

The one we found


What's the Problem?

  • There are many possible Hamiltonian Paths
  • How do they differ?

    • There were two possible paths leaving any [CGGCG] node
      • [CGGCG] → [GGCGC]
      • [CGGCG] → [GGCGG]
    • A valid solution can be found down either path
  • There might be even more solutions

  • Genome assembly is not as unambiguous as the Minimal Substring problem


How about an Euler Path?

In [29]:
k = 5
kmers = kmersUnique(target, k)
print kmers
nodes = sorted(set([code[:k-1] for code in kmers] + [code[1:k] for code in kmers]))
print nodes
G2 = Graph(nodes)
for code in kmers:
path = G2.eulerianPath()
print path
path = G2.eulerEdges(path)
print path

seq = path[0][0:k]
for kmer in path[1:]:
    seq += kmer[k-1]
print seq
print seq == target
['ACGGC_1', 'ACGGC_2', 'CACGG', 'CGCAA', 'CGCAC', 'CGGCG_1', 'CGGCG_2', 'CGGCG_3', 'GACGG', 'GCACG', 'GCGCA_1', 'GCGCA_2', 'GCGGC', 'GGCGC_1', 'GGCGC_2', 'GGCGG']
['ACGG', 'CACG', 'CGCA', 'CGGC', 'GACG', 'GCAA', 'GCAC', 'GCGC', 'GCGG', 'GGCG']
[4, 0, 3, 9, 8, 3, 9, 7, 2, 6, 1, 0, 3, 9, 7, 2, 5]
['GACGG', 'ACGGC_2', 'CGGCG_3', 'GGCGG', 'GCGGC', 'CGGCG_2', 'GGCGC_2', 'GCGCA_2', 'CGCAC', 'GCACG', 'CACGG', 'ACGGC_1', 'CGGCG_1', 'GGCGC_1', 'GCGCA_1', 'CGCAA']

  • We got the right answer, but we were lucky.
  • There is a path in this graph that matches the Hamiltonian path that we found before


What are the Differences?

  • How might we make one solution be favored over the other?


A bigger k-mer

In [30]:
k = 8
kmers = kmersUnique(target, k)
print kmers
nodes = sorted(set([code[:k-1] for code in kmers] + [code[1:k] for code in kmers]))
print nodes
G3 = Graph(nodes)
for code in kmers:
path = G3.eulerianPath()
print path
path = G3.eulerEdges(path)
print path

seq = path[0][0:k]
for kmer in path[1:]:
    seq += kmer[k-1]
print seq
print seq == target
[6, 1, 5, 12, 9, 4, 11, 8, 3, 7, 2, 0, 4, 10]
  • Making k larger (8) eliminates the second choice of loops
  • There are edges to choose from, but they all lead to the same path of vertices


Applied to the Hamiltonian Solution

In [16]:
k = 8
kmers = kmersUnique(target, k)
G4 = Graph(kmers)
for vsrc in kmers:
    for vdst in kmers:
        if (vsrc[1:k] == vdst[0:k-1]):
path = G4.hamiltonianPathV2()

print path
seq = path[0][0:k]
for kmer in path[1:]:
    seq += kmer[k-1]
print seq
print seq == target


Assembly in Reality

  • Problems with repeated k-mers
    • We can't tell a truly repeated k-mer from a copy
      • Recall we knew from our example that were {2:ACGGC, 3:CGGCG, 2:GCGCA, 2:GGCGC}
      • Assembling path without repeats:
In [24]:
k = 5
kmers = set([target[i:i+k] for i in xrange(len(target)-k+1)])
nodes = sorted(set([code[:k-1] for code in kmers] + [code[1:k] for code in kmers]))
G5 = Graph(nodes)
for code in kmers:

  • There is no single Euler Path
  • But there are is a set of paths that covers all edges ['GACGGCG', 'GGCGGC', 'GGCGCA', 'CGCAA', 'CGCACGG' ]
    • Extend a sequence from a node until you reach a node with an out-degree > 1
    • Save these sequences, call them contigs
    • Start new contigs following each out-going edge at the branching nodes
  • Use a modified read-overlap graph to assemble these contigs
    • Add edge-weights that indicate the amount of overlap

  • Usually much smaller than the graph made from k-mers