Finding Hidden Patterns in DNA

  • What makes searching for frequent subsequences hard?
    • Allowing for errors?
    • All the places they could be hiding?

  • Will Thursday Night work for the Python Tutorial?


Initiating Transcription

  • As a precursor to transcription (the reading of DNA to construct RNAs, eventually leading to protein synthesis) special proteins bind to the DNA, and separate it to enable its reading.
  • How do these proteins know where the coding genes are in order to bind?
  • Genes are relatively rare
    • O(1,000,000,000) bases/genome
    • O(10000) genes/genome
    • O(1000) bases/gene
  • Approximately 1% of DNA codes for genes (103104/109)


Regulatory Regions

  • RNA polymerases seek out regulatory or promoting regions located 100-1000 bp upstream from the coding region
  • They work in conjunction with special proteins called transcription factors (TFs) whose presence enables gene expression
  • Within these regions are the Transcription Factor Binding Sites (TFBS), special DNA sequence patterns known as motifs that are specific to a given transcription factor
  • A Single TF can influence the expression of many genes. Through biological experiments one can infer, at least a subset of these affected genes.


Transcription Factor Binding Sites

  • A TFBS can be located anywhere within the regulatory region.
  • TFBS may vary slightly across different regulatory regions since non-essential bases could mutate
  • Transcription factors are robust (they will still bind) in the presence of small sequence differences by a few bases


Identifying Motifs: Complications

  • We don’t know the motif sequence for every TF
  • We don’t know where it is located relative to a gene’s start
  • Moreover, motifs can differ slightly from one gene to the next
  • We only know that it occurs somewhere near genes that share a TF
  • How to discern a Motif’s frequent similar pattern from random patterns?
  • How is this problem different that finding frequent k-mers from Lecture 2?


Let's look for an Easy Motif

 1 tagtggtcttttgagtgtagatccgaagggaaagtatttccaccagttcggggtcacccagcagggcagggtgacttaat
 2 cgcgactcggcgctcacagttatcgcacgtttagaccaaaacggagttagatccgaaactggagtttaatcggagtcctt
 3 gttacttgtgagcctggttagatccgaaatataattgttggctgcatagcggagctgacatacgagtaggggaaatgcgt
 4 aacatcaggctttgattaaacaatttaagcacgtagatccgaattgacctgatgacaatacggaacatgccggctccggg
 5 accaccggataggctgcttattagatccgaaaggtagtatcgtaataatggctcagccatgtcaatgtgcggcattccac
 6 tagatccgaatcgatcgtgtttctccctctgtgggttaacgaggggtccgaccttgctcgcatgtgccgaacttgtaccc
 7 gaaatggttcggtgcgatatcaggccgttctcttaacttggcggtgtagatccgaacgtctctggaggggtcgtgcgcta
 8 atgtatactagacattctaacgctcgcttattggcggagaccatttgctccactacaagaggctactgtgtagatccgaa
 9 ttcttacacccttctttagatccgaacctgttggcgccatcttcttttcgagtccttgtacctccatttgctctgatgac
10 ctacctatgtaaaacaacatctactaacgtagtccggtctttcctgatctgccctaacctacaggtagatccgaaattcg

How would you go about finding a 10-mer that appears in every one of these strings?


Sneak Peek at the Answer

 1 tagtggtcttttgagtgTAGATCCGAAgggaaagtatttccaccagttcggggtcacccagcagggcagggtgacttaat
 2 cgcgactcggcgctcacagttatcgcacgtttagaccaaaacggagtTAGATCCGAAactggagtttaatcggagtcctt
 3 gttacttgtgagcctggtTAGATCCGAAatataattgttggctgcatagcggagctgacatacgagtaggggaaatgcgt
 4 aacatcaggctttgattaaacaatttaagcacgTAGATCCGAAttgacctgatgacaatacggaacatgccggctccggg
 5 accaccggataggctgcttatTAGATCCGAAaggtagtatcgtaataatggctcagccatgtcaatgtgcggcattccac
 6 TAGATCCGAAtcgatcgtgtttctccctctgtgggttaacgaggggtccgaccttgctcgcatgtgccgaacttgtaccc
 7 gaaatggttcggtgcgatatcaggccgttctcttaacttggcggtgTAGATCCGAAcgtctctggaggggtcgtgcgcta
 8 atgtatactagacattctaacgctcgcttattggcggagaccatttgctccactacaagaggctactgtgTAGATCCGAA
 9 ttcttacacccttcttTAGATCCGAAcctgttggcgccatcttcttttcgagtccttgtacctccatttgctctgatgac
10 ctacctatgtaaaacaacatctactaacgtagtccggtctttcctgatctgccctaacctacaggTAGATCCGAAattcg

Now that you've seen the answer, how would you find it?


Let's meet Mr Brute Force

  • He's often the best starting point when approaching a problem
  • He'll also serve as a straw-man when designing new approaches
  • Though he's seldom elegant, he gets the job done
  • Often, we can't afford to wait for him

For our current problem a brute force solution would consider every k-mer position in all strings and see if they match. Given M sequences of length N, there are:


position combinations to consider.


A Library of Helper Functions

  • There's a tendancy to approach this problem with a series of nested for-loops, while the approach is valid, it doesn't generalize. It assumes a specific number of sequences.
  • What we need is an iterator that generates all permutations of a sequence.
  • This nested-for-loop iterator is called a Cartesian Product over sets.
  • Python has a library to accomplish this:
In [1]:
import itertools

for number in itertools.product("01", repeat=3):
    print ''.join(number)
In [2]:
for number in itertools.product(range(3), repeat=3):
    print number,
(0, 0, 0) (0, 0, 1) (0, 0, 2) (0, 1, 0) (0, 1, 1) (0, 1, 2) (0, 2, 0) (0, 2, 1) (0, 2, 2) (1, 0, 0) (1, 0, 1) (1, 0, 2) (1, 1, 0) (1, 1, 1) (1, 1, 2) (1, 2, 0) (1, 2, 1) (1, 2, 2) (2, 0, 0) (2, 0, 1) (2, 0, 2) (2, 1, 0) (2, 1, 1) (2, 1, 2) (2, 2, 0) (2, 2, 1) (2, 2, 2)
In [3]:
for section in itertools.product(("I", "II", "III", "IV"),"ABC",range(1,3)):
    print section
('I', 'A', 1)
('I', 'A', 2)
('I', 'B', 1)
('I', 'B', 2)
('I', 'C', 1)
('I', 'C', 2)
('II', 'A', 1)
('II', 'A', 2)
('II', 'B', 1)
('II', 'B', 2)
('II', 'C', 1)
('II', 'C', 2)
('III', 'A', 1)
('III', 'A', 2)
('III', 'B', 1)
('III', 'B', 2)
('III', 'C', 1)
('III', 'C', 2)
('IV', 'A', 1)
('IV', 'A', 2)
('IV', 'B', 1)
('IV', 'B', 2)
('IV', 'C', 1)
('IV', 'C', 2)


Now Let's Try Some Code

In [4]:
sequences = [
In [5]:
def bruteForce(dna,k):
    t = len(dna)
    N = len(dna[0])
    for offset in itertools.product(range(N-k+1), repeat=t):
        for i in xrange(1,len(offset)):
            if dna[0][offset[0]:offset[0]+k] != dna[i][offset[i]:offset[i]+k]:
            print offset, dna[0][offset[0]:offset[0]+10]
In [6]:
%time bruteForce(sequences[0:4], 10)
# you can try [0:5], but be prepared to wait
(17, 47, 18, 33) tagatccgaa
CPU times: user 18.5 s, sys: 212 ms, total: 18.7 s
Wall time: 18.7 s


Approximate Matching

Now let's consider a more realistic motif finding problem, where the binding sites do not need to match exactly.

 1 tagtggtcttttgagtgTAGATCTGAAgggaaagtatttccaccagttcggggtcacccagcagggcagggtgacttaat
 2 cgcgactcggcgctcacagttatcgcacgtttagaccaaaacggagtTGGATCCGAAactggagtttaatcggagtcctt
 3 gttacttgtgagcctggtTAGACCCGAAatataattgttggctgcatagcggagctgacatacgagtaggggaaatgcgt
 4 aacatcaggctttgattaaacaatttaagcacgTAAATCCGAAttgacctgatgacaatacggaacatgccggctccggg
 5 accaccggataggctgcttatTAGGTCCAAAaggtagtatcgtaataatggctcagccatgtcaatgtgcggcattccac
 6 TAGATTCGAAtcgatcgtgtttctccctctgtgggttaacgaggggtccgaccttgctcgcatgtgccgaacttgtaccc
 7 gaaatggttcggtgcgatatcaggccgttctcttaacttggcggtgCAGATCCGAAcgtctctggaggggtcgtgcgcta
 8 atgtatactagacattctaacgctcgcttattggcggagaccatttgctccactacaagaggctactgtgTAGATCCGTA
 9 ttcttacacccttcttTAGATCCAAAcctgttggcgccatcttcttttcgagtccttgtacctccatttgctctgatgac
10 ctacctatgtaaaacaacatctactaacgtagtccggtctttcctgatctgccctaacctacaggTCGATCCGAAattcg

Actually, none of the sequences have an unmodified copy of the original motif


Profile and Consensus

  • Align candidate motifs by their start indexes $$s = (s_1, s_2, …, s_t)$$
  • Construct a matrix profile with the frequencies of each nucleotide in columns
  • Consensus nucleotide in each position has the highest score in column



  • One can think of the consensus as an ancestor motif, from which mutated motifs emerged
  • The distance between an actual motif and the consensus sequence is generally less than that for any two actual motifs
  • Hamming distance is number of positions that differ between two strings


Consensus Properties

  • A consensus string has a minimal hamming distance to all source strings


Scoring Motifs

  • Given $s = (s_1, s_2, …, s_t)$ and DNA $$Score(s,DNA) = \sum_{i=1}^{k} \max_{j \in {A,C,G,T}} count(j,i)$$
  • So our approach is back to brute force
    • We consider every candidate motif in every string
    • Return the set of indices with the highest score


Let's try again, and handle errors this time!

In [7]:
seqApprox = [
In [8]:
def Score(s, DNA, k):
        compute the consensus SCORE of a given k-mer 
        alignment given offsets into each DNA string.
            s = list of starting indices
            DNA = list of nucleotide strings
            k = Target Motif length
    score = 0
    for i in xrange(k):
        # loop over string positions
        cnt = dict(zip("acgt",(0,0,0,0)))
        for j, sval in enumerate(s):
            base = DNA[j][sval+i] 
            cnt[base] += 1
        score += max(cnt.values())
    return score

def BruteForceMotifSearch(dna,k):
    t = len(dna)
    N = len(dna[0])
    bestScore = 0
    bestAlignment = []
    for offset in itertools.product(range(N-k+1), repeat=t):
        s = Score(offset,dna,k)
        if (s > bestScore):
            bestAlignment = [p for p in offset]
            bestScore = s
    print bestAlignment, bestScore
In [9]:
%timeit Score([17, 47, 18, 33, 21, 0, 46, 70, 16, 65], seqApprox, 10)
10000 loops, best of 3: 53.1 µs per loop
In [14]:
%time BruteForceMotifSearch(seqApprox[0:4], 10)
[17, 47, 18, 33] 36
CPU times: user 16min 3s, sys: 14 s, total: 16min 17s
Wall time: 16min 13s


Running Time of BruteForceMotifSearch

  • Search (N - k + 1) positions in each of t sequences, by examining (N - k + 1)t sets of starting positions
  • For each set of starting positions, the scoring function makes O(tk) operations, so complexity is $$t k (N – k + 1)^t = O(t k N^t)$$
  • That means that for t = 10, N = 80, k = 10 we must perform approximately $10^{21}$ computations
  • Generously assuming $10^9$ comps/sec it will require only $10^{12}$ secs $\frac{10^{12}}{(60 * 60 * 24 *365)} > 30000 $ years
  • Want to wait?


How conservative is this estimate?

  • For the example we just did t = 4, N = 80, k = 10
  • So that gives ≈ $4.0 \times 10^9$ operations
  • Using our $10^9$ operations per second estimate, it should have taken only 4 secs.
  • Instead it took closer to 700 secs, which suggests we are getting around 5.85 million operations per second.
  • So, in reality it will even take longer!


How can we find Motifs in our lifetime?

  • Should we give up on Python and write in C? Assembly Language?
  • Will biological insights save us this time?
  • Are there other ways to find Motifs?
    • Consider that if you knew what motif you were looking for, it would take only $$t k (N – k + 1) t = O(t^2 k N)$$
    • Is that significantly better?


In [ ]: